Who We Are
Kellogg Family Foundation continues the legacy and generosity of Edward and June Kellogg, and the values held most dear by each generation of the Kellogg family.
We focus our support in Michigan and have developed longstanding partnerships with local nonprofits that advance the well-being of families and children, improve essential services in education and health care, and foster community pride with projects such as parks, downtown enhancements, recycling, and more. We also sponsor dental and medical missions in Central and South America and other under-served parts of the world.
In everything we do, we hope to serve as a model for other people’s generosity. It’s our firm belief that we all have something important to give—whether it be time, talent, passion, or financial support. Of these, passion is most important, because it keeps us working on social problems with no easy answers.
Inspiring the generosity in us all.
What We’ve Been Up To
Free Rein Farm seeks to serve the mental needs of all people and ages facing emotional trauma and adversity with our Equine Freedom Program. They provide a safe space for people to experience freedom and healing through Equine Assisted Learning.
The mission of Naples Therapeutic Riding Center is to improve the lives of children and adults with physical, social, and mental health needs through therapeutic riding and other equine-related programs.
Courage Reins is improving the lives of individuals with physical, mental, and emotional challenges through equine-assisted therapies.
The Loveland Living Planet Aquarium highlights animal habitats in Utah waters, Earth's oceans, and South American species. Learn about our interdependence with our planet's fragile ecosystems through entertaining, interactive educational exhibits and programs.
Thanksgiving Point wants you to be curious. What does it mean to be curious? It means asking questions, hypothesizing, testing, and trying again (and again, and again, and again). It may even mean failing. But – when you get to the answer, it’s so rewarding. Thanksgiving Point serves as a place for kids to get curious about science and the natural world. In the discovery centers at Thanksgiving Point, you’ll see curious kids growing every day.
Rookery Bay is an environmental learning center focusing on research, education, and conserving southwest Florida's coastal environment for generations to come.
This year, we made many improvements to the camp, including cement driveways and walkways, making the camp more accessible for everyone. We updated the landscaping, including new sprinklers and other maintenance, three camper pull-through sites with water and electricity, three new flagpoles, and exterior paint throughout. We updated the website, branding, and camp forms.
Venture Church guides people into a relationship with Christ and helps them use their gifts for His glory.
Salt Lake Donated Dental relieves dental pain and suffering while preserving oral health through preventative education and comprehensive treatment for those without access to dental care.
Recovery Advocates in Livingston Inc. is a sober-living housing program that provides a structured setting where newly sober addicts and alcoholics learn basic skills for sober living.
Clara’s Hope aspires to help families have success in foster care and adoption. Supports offered are geared toward moving families from simply surviving to thriving. Every child deserves a family.
Prism Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit with a two-fold mission to provide preventative education and support child survivors of sex trafficking. Prism Project offers a Safehouse Program, providing full wrap-around, restorative services to child survivors of sex trafficking.
Saprea exists to liberate individuals and society from child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts. Saprea hosts two retreats in Georgia and Utah. The Saprea Retreat is a free, clinically informed four-day experience followed by a self-guided online course for adult women who were sexually abused at or before age 18.
The foundation’s gift to the Shy Wolf Sanctuary in Naples, Florida, built a new wolf lodge that provides a more nat- ural and enriching setting for rescued animals. Since its founding in 2001, the sanctuary has cared for more than 1,300 animals and educated tens of thousands of people about the needs of surrendered, abused, and captive- bred exotic animals. For them, Shy Wolf is literally their last hope.
The Kellogg Family Foundation, the sole sponsor of LACASA’s Nurturing Parenting, Fathers Only, and Parenting 2.0: Surviving the Teen Years, has kept these courses up and running for 13 years and counting.
Charity Bicycles partners with local nonprofits and churches that identify people who need bikes. In turn, bike shops, including Hometown Bicycles in Brighton and Wheels in Motion, with locations in Ann Arbor and Plymouth, donate late-model customer trade-ins and other used bikes.