Inspiring Others

“You don’t have to have money to do good work. Dedication to a cause is worth more than money any day.”

Our founders, Edward and June Kellogg, believed strongly that everyone can give back to their community, no matter what their means.

The Kellogg’s were roll-up-their-sleeves people who spent their lives working hard to accomplish big, important goals. They sponsored and volunteered for community causes ranging from bake sales to Boy and Girl Scout camps, church and civic clubs, and local sports teams.

Seeing unmet needs at every turn, they realized they could only make a small impact with their donations alone. They believed the best way for them to make a meaningful change was to en- courage other people to pitch in and help.

Catalyst for change

Serving as a spark for community involvement is the cornerstone of the foundation’s philosophy of giving. We hope to inspire innovative ways to address longstanding social problems with no easy answers.

We select and support projects with a broad, positive, long-lasting effect on families and local communities.

  • Causes within the State of Michigan that fit our core values

  • Grassroots projects where a little support goes a long way

  • New projects that can’t find funding elsewhere

  • Continuing projects with strong community support and passionate leadership

Most importantly, we hope to serve as a model for other people’s generosity. Money alone isn’t enough; if local leaders don’t get behind projects, they quickly fizzle.